Object Design 1

My first Object Design's assignment is to watch a documentary and write down some inspiration from that. Before I really attached with the design and designer, I actually thought it was for creating some new stuffs or some fancy products which could attract the customers to buy it. After I watched this documentary some quotes in it were actually inspired me in some cases. I remember the main principles for the standard of a good designers touched me a lot not because comparing that I find the target for me to becoming a designer but I more notice these principles cannot be understand it facially. 

The principles said that the good designs are simple and survive with the time passing by. I totally agree that, and which reminds me the pen. For me the pen without any decoration is the best design for me, since I love writing and drawing, and pens existing for a long time; Even they were changing the different shape but still, today's pen are really well-designed, they look simple but actually not. 

For me, art is creating and tests your imagination, but also for the design actually. Design is using the easiest to explain art, to let the public could understand it.
